22 Floors is a continuation of a 3-year-long series, Good Night, in which Emily Wobb builds replicas of affluent vehicles and dwellings and destroys them in spectacular ways. With the debris, new replicas are built that have the same opulent connotation -- and so the series continues to cycle. In earlier stages, Wobb has done this by pushing wooden BMW X5 models through a wood-chipper and cast the mulch with clear resin into 747 airplanes molds. 22 Floors involves a mulch yard landscape (Mt Scott Fuel Co, 6904 SE Foster Rd), a revving Cadillac Escalade, several Ryan Home “McMansion” house replicas, and a new replica for the next cycle. The final video and installation presented at ANX Gallery and are made possible by the Regional Arts & Culture Council 2017 Project Grant.